warren-bank (archive)

QR: test This is an F-Droid repository of apps written by Warren Bank. It archives apps that are either forks, demos, experimental or outdated. All source code is GPL-2.0 and available on github: https://github.com/warren-bank?tab=repositories. All APK files are served by 301 redirect to a release asset within the corresponding github repository, and signed by its author with a key having the fingerprint: (SHA-1) 48b2fd2988b9358251b193e5eecac2e43298ef2d, (SHA-256) 7c2a9c3e54cff3cbe6f9f7293aeec465403b2350e03ff85cd0dd32a23d001cee.

Currently it serves 15 apps. To add it to your F-Droid client, scan the QR code (click it to enlarge) or use this URL:


If you would like to manually verify the fingerprint (SHA-256) of the repository signing key, here it is:
E9 91 BE 73 E9 C4 A5 30 2B 84 4D BF 90 15 1D 9E 59 9F BA 21 2A CC D1 A9 70 80 2A 74 C9 90 30 78

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